A Culture of False Ideologies

I have been thinking lately about humanity and all the mess that we have gotten ourselves into. As I ponder the state of our culture, I am reminded of the four beasts from Daniel’s dream in the Old Testament book of Daniel. This prophetic book can have many layers of meaning but one could certainly

Chaste Hearts

There is a more recent devotion in the Church that is gaining popularity, especially in this Year of St. Joseph. The Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph came about after a series of apparitions, which were approved by Bishop Dom Carillo Gritti on January 31, 2010. During these apparitions, St Joseph appeared and spoke about

Shrine Of The Holy Trinity

The Blessed Mother is truly my favorite! I could meditate on her character, her virtuous life, her obedience to God, her love for her Son, her union with the Holy Spirit every day and still never get bored. There is a depth and richness in Mary that always leads us to a deeper and more

Point Of No Return

This week I have been potty training my youngest son. Not always the most favorite part of parenting, but a necessary thing that we all have to go through as parents and children. Henry is my fifth child. I can only vaguely remember this journey with the others as all my memories of my other