Self-Knowledge is not Egocentricity

I was recently reading the experience of someone who was reading through one of their old journals. Based upon the journal entries, this person was reflecting on the fact that at that time in their life they seemed to be so self-absorbed, mainly because they wrote so much about where they were in their spiritual

Reflections on Holy Week: Loneliness of Jesus

Among many other things, there was a loneliness that Jesus experienced during his final days before his death. This loneliness began before he was actually arrested and taken away from the apostles. This loneliness was experienced in the midst of the Last Supper, even when surrounded by his dearest friends. Jesus knew what was to

Reflections on Holy Week: Jesus is Lord

In the gospel today Jesus tells his apostles that one of them will betray him. The apostles all question him by saying, “Surely it is not I, Lord.” But as Jesus furthers his point, Judas finally speaks up and says something very similar to the other apostles, but it is actually altogether different. Judas responds

Reflections on Holy Week: The Spirit is Willing, But the Flesh is Weak

In todays gospel with Peter says he will lay down his life for Jesus, Peter doesn’t know what he’s saying. His spirit was willing, he wanted to be able to do it, but his flesh was weak, he had not yet received the power of the Holy Spirit to be able to do it. Additionally,