Reflections on Holy Week: Jesus is Lord

In the gospel today Jesus tells his apostles that one of them will betray him. The apostles all question him by saying, “Surely it is not I, Lord.” But as Jesus furthers his point, Judas finally speaks up and says something very similar to the other apostles, but it is actually altogether different. Judas responds

Reflections on Holy Week: The Spirit is Willing, But the Flesh is Weak

In todays gospel with Peter says he will lay down his life for Jesus, Peter doesn’t know what he’s saying. His spirit was willing, he wanted to be able to do it, but his flesh was weak, he had not yet received the power of the Holy Spirit to be able to do it. Additionally,

Kingdoms Fall

I was at mass on Sunday and a young lady sang a song by Lauren Daigle called Once and For All after communion. Not only was the song beautifully sung, but it hit me in a place that was both very unexpected and very healing. The premise of the song is a prayer, asking for

Behind the Holy Spirit

There are seeds we receive from the Lord, which come in the form of inspirations, insights, consolations or even revelations. We can attest for various reasons that these do not come from ourselves, but are from God. These seeds are given to be nourished, to be held within our hearts and pondered like the Blessed

Chosen Way

Mary is the pure vessel by which God’s Son, Jesus Christ, came into the world. She is the arc of the New Covenant, the Tabernacle of the Lord, an image of the New Jerusalem and the archetype of the Church. From Heaven, the second person of the Trinity, Jesus, the Word, became flesh and dwelt

Exposed in Obedience

In the movie The Nativity, which is about the birth of Jesus and the events surround it, there is a scene where Jospeh is talking to Mary’s parents about the situation that they all found themselves in with the pregnancy of Mary. Joseph tells St Anne and St Joachim that he will not make an

Absorbing the Arrow

I recently was shot an arrow by the Enemy, which came to me from a person I had just built up trust with. It hit me right in the heart and seemingly came out of nowhere. My initial reaction was anger. I began to get angry at the person and all the people that person

90 Days to Love

For the past 90 days I have been reading and following Magnify, which is a book by Kaylene Brown that guides women in a 90 day commitment to prayer, fasting, and mortification. Each week the book highlights a virtue and a female saint. In following these female saints and discovering how they lived out the

Hidden Treasure of the Family

To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each members of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others. St John Paul II The past two days my home has been full with family, neighbors and friends. Even though I am an introvert,

Joyful Mysteries of Marriage

Recently a friend and I prayed a rosary specifically for our vocations of marriage. In the world today, it is clear that the institute of marriage is under great attack. As divorce becomes more and more prevalent, the perception of marriage continues to shift. The truth is that marriage is a sacrament and it orders

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